PEZ, José Sabaté .
Barcelona 1976.
Pez started painting in 1999 on the outskirts of
Known for his colorfull paintings full of good vibrations
and happiness. First started tagging and
painting graffiti letters but quickly create his iconic
smiling fish logo.
He found the huge smile as a way to pass on good
vibrations to the walkers on the streets. Sharing his
artworks in the streets and galeries in more than 20
diferent countries arround the world he
established a worldwide reputation with exhibitions
and murals in Europe, America and Asia.
Nowadays Pez is essential name when we speak
about the most relevants urban artists.
You can find in his works on the best-known street art
books: Street Logos, Art of Rebellion, Wold
Piecebook, Graffiti Planet, Graffiti and Street art..etc
and in specialized Streetart documentaries like
“Bomb It”, “Next: a premier of urban painting”, including
the controversial film by Banksy “Exit through
the gift shop”.
Wellcome to the “Barcelona happy style”.